

Pengalaman Kerja

  • Create Page for live streaming event - InspigoLive (React-Redux)
  • Create Realtime communication - InspiTalk (React-Redux-Agora-firebase Realtime Database)
  • Create miniweb for event corporate B2B and B2B2C (Gatsby, React, Next)
  • Create Web Tempalte for Corporate B2B Learning Carnival (Gatsby)
  • Create Custome Corporate Page at Member Inspigo (React-Redux)
  • Create B2B Platform - Inspigo for Business (React-NextJs-Redux Toolkit-RTK query-Jest-RTL-Turborepo-styled-component)
  • Update and Writting Platform Single Login Inspigo MyAccount.inspigo.id (React-Redux-Tailwindcss-formix)